This is a picture I took of a poster in the Barcelona metro station. For anybody who has ever taken Spanish, you know that if you are trying to say "I am embarrassed," you do not say "estoy embarazada." It's a funny lesson to learn and I loved the poster so much. I appreciated it and I hope you do too.
Meet "Trancas" and "Barrancas." They are los hormigos (ants) from a show I watch at dinner time with my mamá called "El Hormiguero" (the ant hill). The show involves a host, a famous visitor, science expriments, jokes, and these guys arguing. Although I can only understand a little bit of what goes on in the show (they speak soooo fast), it is extremely funny because these little guys are so ridiculous. When I am walking places around Valladolid, sometimes I see little sutffed animal hormigos in the windows of the tiendas and I can't help but laugh. This is one of the funniest things ever. The best part, though, is that it is for adults... not children!!!
More to come on crazy things I see and enjoy while I'm in Spain. That's all for now though.
Great photos all the way! I am very glad you are not embarazada, and I won't be when I get there, either! Glad you found comfort TV in Spain! xox - Mommy